Selling our beautiful Softub Resort 300. This is not a cheap inflatable Spa but a very high end and super insulated soft foam Spa from leading American manufacturer "Softub" it is exceptionally comfortable and light weight and can easily be installed and rolled by a single person. Runs of a standard 13amp plug and is soooo efficient. I've measured the consumption which ranges from about 4 to 6 kWh a day which in the current climate equates to around 40-60 a month. Very cheap compared to most hard shell type tubs.
The tub is almost silent in use and very powerful, it has no heating element but relies on masses of high quality insulation and a system that recirculates the water around the pump to use the waste heat it generates. Very simple and efficient leaving very little to go wrong. It comes with plenty of chemicals and test strips and the beautiful cedar wood surround. It has 2 filters (wash and a wear) is just over 4 years old and in lovely condition. Cost almost 9000 when new and...Read more »
Selling our beautiful Softub Resort 300. This is not a cheap inflatable Spa but a very high end and super insulated soft foam Spa from leading American manufacturer "Softub" it is exceptionally comfortable and light weight and can easily be installed and rolled by a single person. Runs of a standard 13amp plug and is soooo efficient. I've measured the consumption which ranges from about 4 to 6 kWh a day which in the current climate equates to around 40-60 a month. Very cheap compared to most hard shell type tubs.
The tub is almost silent in use and very powerful, it has no heating element but relies on masses of high quality insulation and a system that recirculates the water around the pump to use the waste heat it generates. Very simple and efficient leaving very little to go wrong. It comes with plenty of chemicals and test strips and the beautiful cedar wood surround. It has 2 filters (wash and a wear) is just over 4 years old and in lovely condition. Cost almost 9000 when new and be seen working before sale.
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